Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Zucchini Pancakes
Mexican Stuffed Peppers
Last week at the Farmer's Market, besides the basket of hot peppers and the tomatillos, I also bought some beautiful, purple sweet peppers. Two were a light purple and the shape of regular bell peppers, the other two were elongated and a beautiful dark purplish-brown color.
Needing something for dinner tonight and wanting to use up the vegetables I had before they started going bad, I came up with this recipe. Jason really liked it!
Preheat the oven to 375.
Cut the peppers in half.
Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl. I used just a bit of cheese to help things stick together.
Stuff the peppers with the rice and bean mixture, sprinkle a little cheese on top and lay in a baking pan. At this point I had leftover stuffing which I decided to just save and eat as a rice salad over the next couple of days.
Cover the pan loosely with foil and bake for about 20 minutes. Remove the foil and keep cooking for another 7 - 10 minutes. Turn on the broiler and let the cheese brown.
Serve with homemade salsa!
Starved Rock
Monday, August 24, 2009
Creating Time
to see the people I want
to read the books I want
to cook the foods I want
to have the quite time with my husband I want
to workout
the list goes on and on.
To be honest, I got tired of listening to myself. The desire to have more time is what really prompted getting rid of the TV in my household.
My husband did some quick calculations while driving home from work one day.
On average let's say we watch 2 hours of TV/day
That's 14 hours/week, which is about the equivalent of 1 full waking day
for 52 weeks/year
In essence, we just bought back 52 waking days
Friday, August 21, 2009

1. The bookstore
2. The farmer's market
I managed to combine both of these on Thursday into a delectable salsa adventure!
I walked over to the Daley Plaza Farmer's Market at lunch in search of squash blossoms which I had on good authority could be obtained from Nichols Farm. Unfortunately, because of the rain they had been unable to pick any.
Next Borders. Now, I may have turned off the TV, but I still did manage to learn that Chicago's very own, Rick Bayless, won the Top Chef Masters on Wednesday night. And what did I see while wandering through the store, you guessed it, Rick Bayless' "Mexico, One Plate at a Time". I had to buy it for Jason.
So between the book and his website I combined a couple of recipes to make my own.
- 6 tomatillos
Fiber Fast Finale
I did have a cocktail, the Pama-Jama. They decided since I had made it through dinner I had successfully completed the fast and that I deserved it. I had to agree.
The Verdict: Nothing. No changes. No radical fiber benefits. Nothing other than proving I can hack 3 days of eating the exact same thing all day every day.
I think I'll try a juice fast next...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Anniversary Art
Yellow Meets Blue
Jane Michalski
The Great Experiment #2 - No TV
No more cable.
Which means no more TV.
Last night was interesting. Nothing to eat but weird fiber porridge/gruel, nothing to drink but water, no tv and no husband (off at fantasy footbal draft).
Made it much easier to go to the gym. And actually get in bed by 10:30pm.
We'll be coming to your houses for Top Chef and football games if you'll have us!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Great Experiment #1 - Fiber
For 3 days, I will eat this strange, porridge-like substance and drink water.
That's it.
I got this from the Vegan, Korean, Buddhist restaurant Amitabul where I dined a couple of weeks ago.
I have a little bit of a headache. Wish me luck.
Summer Indeed, Lemonade!

Summer Indeed, Farro Salad!

Our local wine and specialty food shop in the 'hood, Provenance has carried it in the past but didn't have any while I was shopping so I found some at Whole Foods. I'm sure most Italian specialty shops would carry it, but I wanted to travel as little as possible.
To prepare, just add a cup of farro to a sauce pan and cover with water about an inch or so above the grain. Boil for about 30-40 minutes, or until the farro is tender, and drain
I let it cool and added fresh mint, fresh parsley, a little basil, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice and a dash of salt and pepper.
Summer Indeed, Vegetable Terrine!
Thursday evening I made pickles. The next day I took off the afternoon and went a little crazy with the cooking. I used an obscene amount of our pots and bowls, but it was well worth it!
First off, the vegetable terrine. I've been wanting to make one of these for quite some time, even though I'm not totally sure what defines a terrine. I'm pretty sure its the layering in a loaf and weighing down that does it.
I researched a couple of recipes and then ended up borrowing bits from each and coming up with my own. It is labor intensive but then you just put it in the fridge and eat it the next few days.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Frozen Berries
-- Rinse berries
-- Dry
-- Place in a single layer on a baking pan and freeze (this prevents the berries from sticking
-- Put berries in a freezer safe baggie and voila!
Fresh berries for smoothies, pancakes, muffins or whatever else you desire.
Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

In an attempt to work on both physical and mental health I've started attending a meditation practice at the Temple of Kriya Yoga. Call it a Spiritual Boot Camp if you will.
I'm amazed at how much I am enjoying it although I have no idea what exactly I'm doing. I think the trick for me is to get over this idea of doing it "right" or "wrong". It's too easy to compartmentalize so many things in our lives as right or wrong. An interesting trap that I fall into since I tend to see the world in so many shades of gray.
I love that it is referred to as a practice. An ongoing, learning and evolving experience. One hour once/week can make quite a difference. And atmoshpere does matter. Wandering barefoot in the mansion that houses the temple is a treat.
My mind has been racing quite a bit recently, and not always in good directions. I'm interested in meditation as a way to try to help slow my mind. I enjoy the focus on breathing especially as I have rediscovered my own clean, clear breath this past year.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Blueberry Betty

Raw Pasta
However, whenever I start back into my health kicks, I head to the raw food blogs.
The Farmer's Market was a venerable cornucopia this week. Berries, peppers, onions, giant zucchini. And my mint, oregano and basil have barely been put to use.
I decided to try out a "raw pasta with marinara" recipe I've seen many times:
Raw Pasta
-1 large zucchini
using a mandolin with the largest grating setting I grated a zucchini into long thin strands, it really looks like spaghetti!
Raw Marinara
-4 roma tomatoes
-1 red bell pepper
-4 or 5 sundried tomatoes (soaked in water for about 30 minutes)
-half clove garlic (I was going to be bringing this for lunch so I didn't want it to be too strong)
-fresh oregano
-fresh basil
Put in all in a food processor and pulse until it's nice and chunky, kind of an italian pico de gallo or a bruschetta topping. Pour some over the zucchini and enjoy! If you're not going to eat this right away, store the zucchini and marinara separately so the zucchini doesn't get too soggy.
Boot Camp!
Operation Boot Camp at this point involves early morning runs with my "trainer" (aka husband). We're only doing about 20 minutes at this point but he keeps the pace up. Tuesday 7/28 was the official start and I've run every day except Friday.
Ths stomach bloating has started to subside. And I love the feeling of being up early in the morning. My entire outlook has changed. I spent far too much of this summer coming home from work and going straight to the couch depressed. That is no way to spend any day, let alone a summer day! It's time for empowerment.